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anticompetitive agreement

FT : China’s antitrust regime comes of age

2 Juillet 2018, 10:16am

Publié par Hengrui WAN

Henny Sender in Beijing, April 1, 2018 Regulators in Beijing will shortly rule whether the $18bn purchase of Toshiba’s semiconductor chip operations by a group led by Bain Capital and South Korean chipmaker SK Hynix violates Chinese antitrust rules. The...

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Commissionner Vestager's Interview with Caijing: the Highlights

4 Janvier 2018, 20:40pm

Publié par Hengrui WAN

Photo-illustration by Arnau Busquets Guàrdia/POLITICO (Source images by Getty Images) Commissionner Vestager gave an extremely interesting (and cutting-edge) interview to the Chinese magazine "Caijing" (published in its paper edition of December 25, 2017)....

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NDRC regulates anticompetitive behaviors of 39 Ports

18 Décembre 2017, 04:50am

Publié par Hengrui WAN

After a nearly two month investigation starting from mid-April 2017, the NDRC decided to enjoin 39 Chinese Ports, especially Shanghai and Tianjin Ports, to change their pricing behavior. According to the press conference held in mid-November 2017, each...

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Xinhua : China fines 18 PVC makers for price manipulation

1 Octobre 2017, 22:09pm

Publié par Hengrui WAN

BEIJING, Sept. 27 (Xinhua) -- China's top economic planner said Wednesday it had fined 18 manufacturers of poly vinyl chloride (PVC) a total of 457 million yuan (69 million U.S. dollars) for manipulating market prices. The 18 companies collaborated to...

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People's Daily: "Antitrust law applies to all"

4 Août 2017, 16:32pm

Publié par Hengrui WAN

电力市场化交易是电力体制改革的核心内容之一,直供电交易是电力市场化的关键一步。直供电交易,说白了就是买卖双方直接商量电价。对电力用户来说,多了选择,有利于降低用电成本;对发电企业来说,也能够通过竞争降低发电成本,提高管理效率。同时,这样的市场机制也有利于优化电力资源配置,提高全社会的资源利用效率,是一件多赢的好事。但是当情况变成了卖方互相商量电价,联合保价控价,就成了损害竞争和社会公共利益的垄断违法行为,不仅不利于发电企业自身长远发展,也损害了整个行业市场化的进度。 首例直供电垄断案被开罚单,是我国执法机构将反垄断基本原则和具体规则适用于电力国企的新实践,也释放了改革深入推进的有力信号:维护市场公平竞争,政府监管决不缺位。但同时,长达一年多的曲折调查过程,也反映了个别行业协会和相关企业法律意识的淡薄。行业协会本是企业守法的引导者,却成了违法的组织者;处罚已出,相关企业仍心存侥幸,以各种理由为违法行为辩解。...

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